Fleet management Solutions for Transportation
Maximize your Total Cost of Ownership for optimal business performance
/ Cost products / Fleet Solutions
Fleet management & maintenance: ACTIA fleet Services
Optimizing fleet activity is one of the main financial requirements for managers. It is crucial to have real-time geolocation to manage scheduled routes, inspect fuel consumption, promote fuel-efficient driving, and monitor operational data to plan maintenance activities. Increasingly, managing new energies is also important, such as controlling battery charging cycles for electric vehicles.
These functions are all considered “vital” for the effective operation of the fleet.
ACTIA has developed a service platform that handles these various functions. Connected to a telematics unit and a dedicated server, the ACTIA Fleet portal enables efficient management and maintenance of utility vehicle and heavy goods vehicle (HGV) fleets.
These functions are all considered “vital” for the effective operation of the fleet.
ACTIA has developed a service platform that handles these various functions. Connected to a telematics unit and a dedicated server, the ACTIA Fleet portal enables efficient management and maintenance of utility vehicle and heavy goods vehicle (HGV) fleets.
Fleet services functionalities
Ad hoc services tailored to your needs: a personalized offer for every client.
- Tachograph management
- Diagnostics & maintenance
- Vehicle use & consumption
- Tracking & trace
- Training

Tachograph solutions
ACTIA offers D-BOX equipment for fleet managers, workshops and the authorities. D-BOX is regulatory equipment used to download data from all 1B and 1C tachographs, as well as smart cards.
The T-Store software application is a comprehensive solution for archiving, managing and using tachograph data. These ACTIA solutions are compatible with all tachograph brands and models.
ACTIAFleet solution offer direct benefits to its customers
Respect for the environment: reductions of greenhouse gas emissions / air pollutions agents decrease / Noise reduction
Saving : Fuel saving / Maintenance costs decrease / A better use of vehicles / Considerable reduction of fines
Safety : Road safety improving / Driving skills improving / Improving of your comfort / Accidents reduction
Compliance with laws: Prevention, thanks to the tachograph data management / Compliance with working time regulations / Decrease of infringements risks
Saving : Fuel saving / Maintenance costs decrease / A better use of vehicles / Considerable reduction of fines
Safety : Road safety improving / Driving skills improving / Improving of your comfort / Accidents reduction
Compliance with laws: Prevention, thanks to the tachograph data management / Compliance with working time regulations / Decrease of infringements risks